
Unusual games

Unusual Games from BlueChell


Cards Battle-2
Cards Battle - Enemies attack you from both sides. Lead your Cards-Knights to beat enemies of lower value and the same suit
Cards Battle
Cards on the battlefield. The Rule - Higher card covers the lower card of the same suit. Lead your cards to cover opponent cards according to this rule
Darts and Poker
Shoot better poker combination than your opponent
Both Sides Jack
Choose left or right cards hand, to make Black Jack
Tricks with Chips
Take higher tricks on cards chips
Make Poker Combination on a Rubik Cube
Jack On Golf
Make Black Jack on Golf court
Steal Black Jack
Steal Black Jack from your opponent
3-levels version of the well known Russian Cards game Durak
Standard Poker
Play poker according to standard rules, two players
HiLo to 7
Guess if the next card will be Higher or Lower
Spades 2
classic 4 player spades. Team up with an AI, make your bids and attempt to win the game
Ace of Spades
Play cards that are 1 higher or 1 lower in value then the open card (bottom right)
Put all your cards into combination before your opponents
Pick up the first 9 tricks of the hand to win 90 extra points
Durak Forever
Old Russian cards game - full version
Durak of Ages
Well known Russian cards game Durak - full version
Old Russin cards game - Durak (Fool), with live dancing girl.
Cards on 2 roulettes. If roulette stops and your card is higher, you win.
Durak - old Russian cards game.
Cards Hostage
Win 6 rounds of cards game to release the hostage.
Cards House
Build the Cards House. Each time you win, you build next stage of Cards House.
Bubble-fAces is an interpolation of cards game to the pretty bubbles world. Cover Bubble-fAce with your Bubble.
Mix of cards game with bubbles catching.

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